The Sonoma County Airport is committed to being a good neighbor.

Good Neighbor Noise Abatement Program

The Airport’s current Noise Abatement Program was established in 1988. STS also works within FAA guidelines, to encourage pilots and airlines to fly with consideration of our neighbors in mind. The Airport makes every effort to promote flight procedures that minimize aircraft noise while always maintaining safety as the highest priority. It is the FAA’s sole responsibility to develop air traffic rules, assign the use of airspace, and control air traffic. STS is working with our Aviation Commission and a community advisory group to re-write the Airport’s Noise Abatement Guide and associated procedures.


Using flight-tracking and noise management software, the Airport provides monthly complaint reports to airlines so that operators can use real data to update flight practices and fly friendly. Airlines have been receptive to STS requests regarding noise-sensitive areas and airline and STS staff meet regularly to discuss noise abatement in Sonoma County. Private operators also receive notifications from STS when their operation generates a complaint from a neighbor.

The Airport is currently exploring the development of an alternate approach to Runway 14 that will hopefully resolve some of the issues experienced by the standard approach and by the more-recently established alternate, western approach.

The Airport operates as a self-supporting Enterprise Fund within the Department of Transportation and Public Works and under the jurisdiction of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). STS is both a general aviation facility, serving private planes and business jets, and is a commercial airline facility with scheduled air service. STS generates over $1,300,000 annually in tax revenues, via its users, for Sonoma County and County School Districts.

Resources From The FAA

Below you will find a handful of videos that explain why things work the way they do in aviation.  These were put together by the Federal Aviation Administration, and they do a good job of explaining some not-so-commonly known things about the aviation industry and the use of airspace.  For further educational content from the FAA, Please Visit This Link.

FAA Noise Complaint Portal

To submit a noise complaint directly to the FAA, please visit the link below.

Click Here For The FAA Noise Complaint Portal